Looking after the eyes.

 The eyes are 'windows to the soul' and very important. They are controlled by optic lobe at back of the head which is governed by the back agnya chakra. A combination of the back agnya and mooladhara chakra could have the effect you describe.

To help resolve it, you can clear your back agnya by steadily watching the red spot on meditation photo through a candle flame without blinking until your eyes begin to water. Let them water and squeeze your eyes shut tightly for a few seconds then go rinse in cold water. Also massage back of your head.

To clear mooladhara, sit on the ground when meditating, with your left palm on your lap open towards meditation photo and right palm pressed on the ground. Hold that position while you meditate.

You can also clear back agnya and mooladahara by spending time in greenery, like a park or the natural environment, sitting down outside and letting the green grass relax your eyes.

If you read a lot, cut down on the reading or be more discriminating on what you read about.

For some eye conditions watching hands below through candle can also help.


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