Social anxiety/panic attacks

 Everybody can be affected by a certain level of social anxiety depending on the situation. Public speaking is a trigger that can cause many people to break out in cold sweat. So it's a spectrum of responses that includes panic attacks - tightness of chest and shortness of breath.

Breathing exercises for centre heart chakra, singing/reading things out aloud to yourself to build confidence through vocal expression (vishuddhi chakra) and using postive affirmations to reprogram your responses, could all help.

For the breathing exercise, when you sit down to meditate, take a deep breath and hold it and while focused on the centre of your chest repeat 'Jagadamba' 12 times. Jagadamba is the energy of your centre heart chakra. Breathe out slowly until you've completely expelled all the air out and hold yourself empty, with attention at the top of head in mental silence for a few seconds. Repeat the cycle 3 times. It works best while you're sitting in front of your meditation photo.

You can combine the vishuddhi chakra exercise and positive affirmations, by saying the affirmations out aloud to yourself (perhaps privately). Make up whatever affirmation feels real for you. For example, your affirmation could be "I'm in a protective bubble of calm and nothing can touch me." - the literal form of this is by raising your kundalini and putting a bandhan around yourself before entering into a social situation. 


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